
Salaah (Prayers)
Please access the link below to download the current salaah timings, including when the time starts and iqama times in the masjid. This information is also available in the header of the website as well.

Nikaah services (Islamic Marriage ceremony)
The masjid offers nikaah services upon request. Please complete the request form with the pertinent details and we will contact you to schedule the nikaah. You may also visit the masjid and talk directly to the Imam or call/text 916-382-2125 to request more information.

Educational Programs
Daily Nazira
The masjid offers daily maktab/nazira for children. Classes are offered for boys from 6 years and up and for girls from 6 years to 12 years. Zoom and online class options are available for girls older than 12 years old.
The classes run on weekdays in the evenings. The exact timing of the class varies based on time of year (summer is generally from 6 PM to 8 PM while fall/winter would be closer to 5 PM to 7 PM). Please contact the masjid for current timings.
To register your child/children, please complete the registration form below. (Add a link to the registration form.
Fees are $50 per child per month ($40 for each additional child in the same family) payable in advance on the 1st of every month.
Daily Hadith
There is a daily hadith review in the masjid after Fajr or Isha salaah. No registration is required, and the session is open for all members of the community.
Weekly Tafseer
Every week on Wednesday evening (exact timing varies based on time of year), there is a tafseer of Quran offered by Maulana. This is an on-going session. No registration is required, and the session is open for all members of the community.